Join the Impact Team as Liaison Coordinator

Member Liaisons play a very important role in the trust-based philanthropy tenet of support beyond the check. They help us build relationships with our grantee partners and are a conduit of information between the partner organization and ninety-nine girlfriends. The Liaison Coordinator helps coordinate the Member Liaisons and keeps them connected to one another and to the organization as a whole. If you think you would be a good fit for this position, please review the description below and contact Van with questions or to express your interest.


The Liaison Coordinator is part of the Impact Team and serves as a conduit for information between Liaisons* (on behalf of grantee partners) and the membership as well as an organizer and supporter of Liaisons and their work.

Essential Tasks

  • Coordinate communications with Liaisons

    • Timeline reminders/calling meetings throughout the year

    • Provide support to Liaisons as needed

    • Direct story/photo/updates traffic from Liaisons to the Communications Committee

    • Navigate any inter-liaison issues, with the support of Impact Team Leads

  • Training/Leading Meetings

    • Attend monthly Impact Team meetings

    • Coordinate with other co-lead to attend monthly GSC meetings

    • Host/run Liaison Info Session (Fall), 

    • Liaison implicit bias training (Winter) - includes coordination and planning with content providers

    • Liaison Launch (Winter), and 

    • Manage quarterly check-ins (Spring, Summer, Fall)  

Helpful skills for being a successful coordinator

  • Attention to detail

  • Flexibility and ability to collaborate

  • Responsiveness

  • Communication (written and verbal)

  • Organization and/or simple event planning

  • Understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion

  • Experience as a Liaison is helpful but not required

Technology used: Email, Zoom, spreadsheets and Google drive. Tutorials and one-on-one assistance are available.

Time Commitment: We encourage committing for two years: one to engage and learn, and the second to teach your successor. Liaison coordination is a year-round position with infrequent activity after the initial training and launch. Weekly average hours for a coordinator during the busiest time is approximately 2-4; otherwise, it can range from 0 to 1 hours a week (and includes a summer break).

*Liaisons are Girlfriends who are matched up with grantee partners to be a source of relationship building and communications between the partner organization and ninety-nine girlfriends. 


Fall/Winter 2021  

  • Schedule Liaison Info Session and invite all members and those who have expressed interest 

  • Update Liaison Toolkit  

  • Finalize Liaison placements and notify folks (aka launch the Liaison team)

  • Wrap-up with outgoing liaisons - opportunities for learning and growth

  • Schedule training session and notify Liaisons  

  • Finalize materials/presenter(s) and host training session 

Winter/Spring 2020/21 

  • New coordinator introduces self and schedules 1-on-1 calls with Liaisons

  • Early Jan - Remind new liaisons to set up an initial meeting with new partners 

  • March - organize and host liaison Q1 check-in/group gathering

  • April - send reminder: Liaison spring check-in 

  • June/July - send reminder: Liaison mid year check-in 

  • Oct/Nov - send reminder: Liaison end of year check-in